
My name is Yu Shen, currently a 4th-year PhD student in School of Computer Science at Peking University, advised by Prof. Bin Cui. My research interests are Black-Box and AutoML systems, algorithms and applications. Before that, I obtained the B.S. degree in School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science at Peking University at 2019.

Motivated by industrial requirements, I have published 16 papers in top DB and ML conferences, among which PaSca achieves the Best Student Award 🏆 in WWW 22. In addition, I'm the core designer and contributor of MindWare and OpenBox, among which OpenBox achieves the Top prize 🏆 in the open-source innovation competition at 2021 CCF ChinaSoft conference. Those projects have already been applied in corporations (Tencent, ByteDance, etc.) and achieved significant improvements in real production.

Email: shenyu@pku.edu.cn

GitHub: https://github.com/salty-fish-97

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=WHCihd4AAAAJ

I am expected to graduate in September 2024 and will be on job market in Spring 2023. If you are interested in me, please contact me via E-mail. More details can be found in other pages.